LUSD Mission Statement
Mission Statement:
The Mission of the Lammersville Unified School District, as a collaborative partnership of families, community members, and staff, is to graduate all students with the knowledge and ability to make good choices, to act responsibly, to enter the workforce in a profession of their choice, and to continue lifelong learning.
Lammersville Unified School District is committed to preparing students for a 21st Century Education anchored in the development of students critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, and citizenship within mentally and physically safe schools and classrooms. We further believe that learning should be based on mastery of content and that personalization of learning should be a priority. We understand that technology is interwoven into all aspects of today’s society; therefore, the effective use of technology by students and staff is a significant component of our educational program. Staff will utilize technology to personalize instruction, provide engaging and diverse blended learning lessons, and make efficient data-based decisions. At every grade level, computer skills will be developed to prepare students as discerning consumers of information with the technical skills needed for life and the workforce.
To this end, Lammersville Unified School District will provide language and problem-solving strategies that allow all students to read and comprehend at grade level, while maintaining high literacy and numeracy standards, culminating in college and career ready graduates.
We believe that:
- Every human being is important and has value.
- The freedom and rights enjoyed in society require that individuals take responsibility for their actions.
- The family is the critical element in an individual's development.
- Reaching one's potential requires great effort.
- Expectations profoundly influence our own performance and the performance of others.
- Every person is responsible for making the community a better place.
- Honesty and integrity are essential to building trusting relationships.
- People learn best in a safe, healthy environment.
- Meaningful accomplishment enhances the motivation essential for continued success.