Facts & Questions

Important Information for New Families
Foster Youth and McKinney-Veto
Food Services
Since meals are free for everyone this year, do I still need to fill out a Free/Reduced Meal application?
We are encouraging families to still complete the Free/Reduced application (which can be found on our website). Meal Applications assist in so much more than just meals. Additional Benefits may include discounts on internet access services, reduced registration fees for AP testing, discounted rate on fees associated with applying for college, and free or discounted fees to participate in sports. In addition to these benefits, the district can gain funding for student programs and services for each qualifying student. All information is kept in strict confidence, so your information is not shared. Applications can be found by going to www.EZMealApp.com or you can download a paper application at http://lammersville.healtheliving.net/.
Where do we find the school menus?
You can find our menus on-line at MySchoolMenus.com or using a mobile app. Search My School Menus from the Apple App store or Google Play.
Do students need to pre-order lunch?
Elementary students will place an order daily with their teacher. Otherwise, we are non longer utilizing the pre-ordering system.
Do I need to put money on a lunch account?
Meals are free. Each student is entitled to one (1) FREE Breakfast and one (1) FREE lunch daily. At the High School, there are a la carte items that can be purchased for an additional cost. Elementary students also have the ability to purchase a la carte items during recess. If students are wanting to purchase a la carte, we encourage parents to put money in their student's account. Money can be deposited at www.EZSchoolPay.com .
Are snacks sold at the Elementary Schools?
Yes, students can purchase snacks at recess. We encourage students to put money in their account so the lines move as quickly as possible.
What if my child has an allergy?
You can sort by allergen using the on-line menu or app. If your child has an allergy that requires a meal accommodation, please print the meal accommodation form and take it to your child’s pediatrician for completion. Completed forms should be taken to the school office and then it will be forwarded to the food service’s department. We will contact your regarding a plan to support the accommodations prescribed by the doctor. The form can be found on the Food Services website http://lammersville.healtheliving.net/ Click on the tab “Healthy Living” and then “For Parents”. Scroll down and click on the link for “Medical Form”.