Independent Study Program
On July 12th 2021, the state budget was approved by Governor Newsom. The budget includes a state mandate that requires public school districts to provide an independent study option for all families, TK-12, in the 2021-22 school year. This questionnaire provides families the opportunity to choose one of two options for this coming school year: Option 1) In Person; Option 2) Independent Study (Lammersville Education Online for TK-8 & MHHS Mustang Online Pathway for high school age students). For more information on the independent study requirements mandate in AB/SB 130 please review the summary below.
LUSD is requesting that each family respond to the questionnaire. It is imperative that we receive this information so that we can plan for and staff the Independent Study programs: Lammersville Education Online for TK-8 and MHHS Mustang Online Pathway for high school age students. The questionnaire provides families with more than one student enrolled in the TK-8th grades and high school the ability to respond for each child (up to three/four children per questionnaire). Students whose families do not respond to the questionnaire will be enrolled in the Traditional In Person model for 2021-22.
We request you complete this questionnaire by 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, July 21, 2021.
TK-8 Questionnaire:
Please contact the District Office at 209-836-7400 if you have any questions regarding the TK-8th grade questionnaire.
High School Questionnaire:
Please contact the high school office at 209-836-7460 if you have any questions regarding the high school questionnaire.