Preschool Programs
Lammersville Unified School District understands that early intervention is critical to children with special needs. Lammersville USD offers early childhood education services to children from the ages of 3 to 5 who's disabilities fall in the mild to moderate range. Our preschool program is located on the Wicklund Elementary School campus. Students with moderate to severe disabilities are referred to excellent San Joaquin County Office of Education, Specialized Education Programs. These programs are located throughout San Joaquin County.
The process of registering your child for preschool involves the following:
1. Complete and print the pre-registration on the AERIES portal.
The link below has information on what is needed to register on-line. The demo video is geared towards the high school but the internet registration information applies to all students.
(Paper registration will be available upon request at the Specialized Education Office.)
For assistance on using the online registration tool, please watch the following informational video:
2. Click on the link below to complete the Specialized Education Preschool Student Intake and Information Form
3. Gather supporting documentation, including address verification, proof of age, and immunization record, the completed and printed pre-registration on the AERIES portal, and the completed and printed Specialized Education Preschool Information Form.
For more information about the Preschool Application, please contact Lisa Rio at 209-836-7400, ext. 2321.
For more information about the Preschool Program and Eligibility, please contact Marie Gamboa, Specialized Education Coordinator.
If the Preschool Team determines that the needs of your child would be best served at the San Joaquin County Preschool Program, you will be given a referral at the end of the assessment. Please see County Operated Schools and Programs for more information on the services available with San Joaquin County Office of Education.