In the Lammersville Unified School District, regular and punctual school attendance of students is expected and encouraged, as students who attend school regularly have higher academic outcomes than those who are absent.
To foster a culture that values regular and timely attendance, we strive to work as a team with our families to support the success of our students, ensuring that students feel safe and connected to school. And while we recognize that there are many reasons and unique challenges that may lead to students missing school, we are seeking your mutual cooperation in helping your student attend school regularly and on time.
If you anticipate your student missing school for a duration of 5–14 school days, please contact your student's school site to learn more about an Independent Study Contract. Board Policy 6158 and Administrative Regulation 6158 were updated in April 2023. Additionally, we strongly encourage families to schedule vacations during school breaks so student attendance is maintained.
Absence from school shall be excused as permitted by law, Board policy, and Administrative Regulations (Education Code 48205/Administrative Regulation (AR) 5113). Absences due to illness and medical appointments are considered excused absences as long as the school receives a phone call from a parent or guardian clearing the absence within 72 hours of the occurrence. All other absences are considered unexcused, per state law, even if a parent calls to report their student’s absence. Any tardy over 30 minutes, except for medical reasons, is also unexcused.
When a student has accumulated 3 instances of unexcused absences and/or tardies, the truancy notification process is initiated, as indicated by the chart below. If attendance does not improve after notification to the student and family, the school sites may hold School Attendance Review Team meetings and/or make referrals to the School Attendance Review Board in an effort to support the student in attending school regularly and on time.
Truancy Notification
Number of Instances of Unexcused Absence | Notification |
3 instances* or 18 periods (MHHS) of unexcused absence |
1st Truancy Notification Letter |
3 additional instances* or 36 periods (MHHS) of unexcused absence (6 total instances) |
2nd Truancy Notification Letter |
3 additional instances* or 54 periods (MHHS) of unexcused absence (9 total instances) |
3rd Truancy Notification Letter (Designated as Habitually Truant by the State) |
TK-8 Grade Attendance
All students are required to be in class by 8:10 a.m. Any students arriving after 8:10 are considered tardy. Those who arrive after 8:15 must report to the school office for an admit slip. If the tardiness is due to an appointment, a note from the doctor’s office is required. If the tardiness is due to not feeling well in the morning, the student must present a note from the parent to excuse the tardy or the parent must sign the child in at the office. Per LUSD Administrative Regulation (AR) 5113, after a student has had 10 illness absences verified by a parent in the manner described above, any further absences must be verified by a physician.
All absences must be excused by a note, phone call, or email from the parent/guardian as listed on the students enrollment profile. These absences must be cleared within 72 hours (3 school days) of the student’s return to campus. It is the parent's responsibility to clear all absences in the proper amount of time and to arrange for all make-up work with teachers. These absences cannot be cleared after 72 hours, at which time they will be documented as unexcused absences. Parents may check their students attendance via Aeries or by contacting the attendance office.
High School Attendance
In keeping with Lammersville Unified School District Board Policy (BP) 5113, Mountain House High School believes that regular attendance, punctuality, and participation in school are directly linked to student achievement. California Education Code 48205 states that absences from school may only be excused for the following reasons: illness, quarantine, medical/dental appointments, jury duty, attendance at the funeral of an immediate family member, or other justifiable reasons approved in advance by administration. Because family vacations are not considered excused absences, we encourage you to schedule them outside of the regular school year.
All absences must be excused by a note, email ([email protected]) or by completing the "Attendance Excusal Form". Absences are unable to be called into the High School. These absences must be cleared within 72 hours (3 school days) of the student’s return to campus. It is the student’s responsibility to clear all absences in the proper amount of time and to arrange for all make-up work with teachers. These absences cannot be cleared after 72 hours, at which time they will be documented as unexcused absences. Students and parents may check their attendance via Aeries or by contacting the attendance office.
Mountain House High School is a closed campus. Students may not leave campus without checking out. If a student needs to leave school during the day, the parent/guardian must call the Attendance Office before the time that the student needs to leave campus. A pass will be written and ready for the student to pick up in the office prior to leaving. If the student becomes ill during the day, he/she needs to check out through the Attendance Office. Classrooms cannot be interrupted to notify a student of an appointment. If a student is expecting an early dismissal, he/she should come to the Attendance Office throughout the day to confirm that it has been arranged. Leaving campus without prior parental permission or checking out through the office will result in an unexcused absence.
Only parents or legal guardians can excuse the absence of a student who is younger than 18 years of age. Older brothers, sisters, relatives, or neighbors cannot legally excuse a student’s absence. Only a parent/guardian may excuse absences and request an off-campus pass. A student who is over the age of 18 may excuse absences or request off campus passes; however, the student must fill out an off-campus form and, as a courtesy, the student’s parents will be notified of the excusal or release from school by administration. Per LUSD Administrative Regulation (AR) 5113, after a student has had 10 illness absences verified by a parent in the manner described above, any further absences must be verified by a physician.
What to expect at a SART meeting:
- A SART meeting may include the following team members: School Administrator, Child Welfare and Attendance Specialist, student, parent/guardian, school counselor, teacher, and any other specified staff.
- A corrective action plan will be developed with input from the team members. The student will again be directed to attend all classes unless excused for legal reason.
When the school has exhausted all resources and a student's attendance has not improved, then a family may be referred to a School Attendance Review Board (SARB) hearing.
After a SART meeting has occurred at the school site level and attendance has not improved, a family may be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) hearing. The SARB Chairperson will schedule a hearing before a panel and the student and parent/guardian are required to attend. The School Attendance Review Board addresses chronic absence, discipline and academics due to truancy. The mission of the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) is to help students stay in school, attend school regularly and graduate. SARB is a community-based effort to bring together resources to assist families with attendance, discipline and academic matters.
At a SARB hearing, students and their parents will meet with a panel that may consist of :
- SARB Chairperson
- Child Welfare and Attendance Specialist
- School Administrator
- School Social Worker
- School Counselor
- School District Health staff
- School Resource Officer
- Community Mental Health Providers
Failure to comply with SARB recommendations and interventions may result in a further legal action. SARB hearings are conducted by school districts throughout California and records are transferred between districts when students relocate to a new school.
The role of the Child Welfare & Attendance (CWA) Specialist is to assist and educate students, parents/guardians, and schools, engaging in personalized early outreach and promoting student success and achievement through consistent attendance. Please feel free to contact the assigned CWA with any questions or concerns about attendance.
Child Welfare & Attendance Specialist |
Email Information |
Ben Fobert |
[email protected] |
Melissa Hartvigsen |
- Developing healthy habits with attendance: Attendance Success (Elementary), Attendance Success (Middle and High School)
- Connect with your school site Child Welfare and Attendance Specialists
- Assistance with internet connections and devices: Device Request and Technology Support
- We can provide counseling, health, and mental health service referrals for your student: LUSD Wellness Website
- Assistance with meals can be found on our Child Nutrition Services page