Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) Home
Welcome to the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Homepage for the Lammersville Unified School District. This program is offered through the Lammersville Unified School District and provides students from grades TK through 6th grade and beyond with a wholesome, and enriching activity program aimed to develop academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. Our hope is that the ELOP program is a fun, and engaging opportunity for students who participate. Visit the links on the right for more information about our ELOP program.
For more information regarding ELO-P click on the links below:
If you have any questions or have comments please call us at 209.836.7400 or email us at at [email protected]
Director of Educational Services: Ben Fobert
Coordinator of ELOP: Christina Hambleton
Administrative Assistant: Melissa Hartvigsen