Technology » LUSD One2One Chromebook Care

LUSD One2One Chromebook Care

one2one device coverage

LUSD One2One Chromebook Care


The 2024/2025 purchasing window will open at the beginning of the school year in August 2024.

(July 22nd, 2024 - September 1st, 2024*)

*any student enrolled after September 1st, 2024 will have 14 days from the enrollment date to purchase.

LUSD Families can purchase coverage for students after the OPEN ENROLLMENT but your student's device will need to be inspected by the school site and be free of damage.

You will also need to pay off any previous fines before purchasing coverage.


Early Bird Special: July 22- August 5, 2024

Price: $40 for One2One Chromebook Care Plan
Coverage: Includes 1 year coverage and free first repair
Benefits: Reduces accidental damage costs
Don't miss out on this $10 discount - offer ends August 5, 2024!
Starting August 6th, the price of the One2One Chromebook Care Plan will return to $50
LUSD - 2024 Early Bird Special


Lammersville Unified School District recommends that all students purchase One2One Chromebook Care Plan for their devices. The district self-coverage program provides coverage at a low price. The One2One Chromebook Care Plan purchased through the district covers repairs, shipping, and a loaner device. Students can purchase the One2One Chromebook Care Plan (optional) from the LUSD Webstore. The cost is $50.00 per student. Students who had the One2One Chromebook Care Plan from previous years will need to purchase another year, the coverage is valid for one school year. Office Supervisors, Learning Common Techs, and I.T. Techs will verify the purchase of the One2One Chromebook Care Plan and enter the information in the student's account.

The terms of the LUSD One2One Chromebook Care Plan are defined below. 

For more information contact your site's Learning Common Tech or I.T. Tech.


LUSD One2One Chromebook Care



Care of all instructional materials, including Chromebooks, distributed by LUSD is the responsibility of the student to which they are assigned and the student's parent/guardian. This includes costs associated with damages and loss or theft (California Education Code 48904). The purpose of this policy is to protect LUSD families from accumulating debt due to accidental damage or theft (see definitions below) of school-issued Chromebooks.



  • Policy runs from August 6th, 2024 - July 31st, 2025.
  • Policies purchased at any time between those dates will terminate before the start of the 25/26 school year based on the board-adopted school year calendar.
  • Students who are issued devices at the beginning of the regular school year may purchase device coverage until Sunday, September 1st, 2024 without having the device inspected. After Sunday, September 1st, 2024, the device and charger must be inspected by Learning Commons Tech or I.T. Tech before coverage can be purchased.
  • Newly enrolled students that receive devices that are issued after Sunday, September 1st, 2024 will be given 14 days to purchase device coverage without having the device inspected.
  • Devices and chargers issued during summer school must be inspected by the site's Library Tech or I.T. Tech before coverage can be purchased.



The One2One Chromebook Care Plan costs $50 per term (see above). Policies purchased mid-year will not be prorated.



There will be no refunds. If a student drops from school and then returns later in the school year, the policy will still be in effect until the expiration date of the original policy.


DEDUCTIBLES (per term)

First covered repair- $0 deductible

Second covered repair- $25 deductible

Third covered - $50 deductible


After 3 repairs/replacements, the policy is void for the remainder of the term and the parent/guardian is responsible for all damage to the device



  1. Report the loss or damage to the Library Tech or I.T. Tech within 30 days of the event. In the event that school is not in session, you must notify the site Library Tech or I.T. Tech via email [email protected]
  1. Notify the local police if the loss is due to theft, burglary, robbery, or vandalism. You must then provide the official police report to LUSD.  LUSD can provide you with the device information (make, model, serial number, and cost) for the police report.


LUSD will pay for the cost of repair of the covered device including parts and labor. If the device cannot be repaired, an equivalent replacement of LUSD’s choosing will be provided. If a replacement device is provided, this coverage will transfer to the replacement device for the duration of the policy. While a student’s device is being repaired the student will be issued a loaner device of LUSD’s choosing. The policy will cover the loaner device until the student’s original device is returned or a permanent replacement device is issued.



Coverage may be denied if the student willfully defrauds, conceals, and/or misrepresents any material information about the cause of damage or loss of the device.



Accidental damage, drops, liquid spills, and submersion

Power surge

Mechanical failure or defect



Corrosion and rust

Dishonest and/or intentional acts

Unexplained loss or mysterious disappearance

Government seized

Tampering with or unauthorized attempts to repair the device.



If a student transfers to another LUSD site during the policy term the coverage will transfer to the new site and remain in effect until the end of the term. If a student transfers to a site outside of LUSD the coverage does not transfer to the new district/school and the device must be returned to the site. However, if the student transfers back to a LUSD site before the end of the term, the coverage will remain in effect until the end of the term.


Revise 07/01/2024