Technology » Account Information

Account Information

Google Apps for Education
Lammersville Unified School District is a Google Apps for Education district. All students and staff have district-provided email accounts that provide access to the entire suite of Google products, such as YouTube, Drive, Draw, and Calendar. Even though we use the Google platform the accounts and all of the data within them are owned by the district. District administration and IT staff can access all data generated in school-provided accounts.
Students can sign in to their account at
LUSD devices can only be logged on using LUSD-provided accounts.
For all Google account problems see the site Library Tech or I.T. Tech.

Student email addresses are composed of their permanent ID number, and ""
When students first log in they will be required to change their passwords. Passwords should meet the following criteria:
Passwords must be at least 8 characters long
Passwords should be easy for the student to remember but hard for others to guess
Longer passwords are harder to crack. A pass-phrase is a good password. Numbers and special characters can make a password harder to crack.
Pass Phrase Example: I went to the Golden Gate Bridge in 2011!  = IwttGGBi11!

Why students should check their email daily:
Email is still an important means of communication in most industries-- develop the habit of checking it daily
Important announcements from principals, counselors, library staff, the student body office, and college and career counselors are usually sent by email.

Staff accounts are composed of the employee's first initial and last name followed by "" Because there are multiple staff with the same first initial and last name there is some variation on this formula. Please visit the appropriate site's directory to confirm the address. Staff accounts are created by LUSD I.T. Staff. The LUSD I.T. Staff can reset staff passwords and troubleshoot account problems. Staff passwords must be changed every 3 months.
Students taking classes that require access to a Windows PC (Digital Media, Computer Apps, Programming, etc.) will be given accounts on the LUSD domain. Domain accounts are maintained by the LUSD I.T. Staff. Please ask your teacher for assistance with domain accounts.
Staff domain accounts are maintained by the LUSD I.T. Staff. Staff passwords must be changed every 3 months.
Accounts for other school-provided online resources are maintained by various people in the district. Please reach out to the LUSD I.T. Staff to troubleshoot problems and/or to be referred to the appropriate staff member.