Transitional Kindergarten Potty Training
Does my incoming child need to be potty trained to attend TK?
State legislation does not permit districts to deny enrollment to incoming TK students if they are not fully potty trained. However, we STRONGLY encourage you to potty train your child before the start of the school year.
What does it mean to be fully potty trained?
Fully potty-trained students may have an occasional accident. Fully potty-trained means that the pupil:
- comes to school in big kid underpants (not pull-ups)
- can communicate a need to use the bathroom.
- can independently take care of toileting (pull down underpants, sit on toilet or stand at urinal, and void the bowels or bladder)
- can independently manage related hygiene (can access toilet paper, wipe, place used toilet paper in the toilet bowl, flush, pull up underpants without assistance, and wash and dry hands)
Will TK classrooms have a bathroom?
All TK classrooms are located near a bathroom. Teachers will encourage students to use the bathroom during breaks and will access additional staff to support bathroom needs throughout the program.
Students will be sent to the health office to change if they are wet or wait for their parents to pick them up if they have had a bowel movement.
How can I learn more about the toilet training process?
We have linked some helpful articles below. For more specific information or guidance, consult your child’s pediatrician.
Can you provide resources to help with potty training?
Some helpful links with resources such as visuals, schedule templates, goal and reward boards are provided below: