It is important to note that not all gifted children look or act alike. Giftedness exists in every demographic group and personality type. Adults must look hard to discover potential and support gifted children as they reach for their personal best. This is why we use a combination of assessments, work samples, parent, and teacher observations to compile a portfolio to discover and support gifted students.
If your child was LUSD GATE identified, at any grade level, your child stays in the LUSD GATE program until graduation. No LUSD GATE-identified student will be re-screened.
If your child was GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) identified in another school district, LUSD will need documentation of GATE identification from your previous district with your child's name, date, and authorized signature to determine if those requirements meet LUSD's GATE identification criteria. Kindly email these documents to [email protected].
Each year, all LUSD 4th-grade students, who are not already GATE identified, will be screened using various cognitive ability assessments and a creative writing prompt. Writing samples are evaluated by LUSD GATE staff for use of language, divergent thought, and idea development. Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh grade nominated students will be screened using the same protocol.
Nominations for GATE identification are accepted for 2024-2025 5th through 7th graders.
Parents or students can fill out the Parent Nomination Google Form during the nomination window. Nomination forms have been sent via ParentSquare Communication. Please login to your ParentSquare account to access the nomination form.
The 24-25 LUSD GATE 5th-7th grade nomination window will be open between 9/30/24 through 10/12/24.