Educational Services » Science Camp

Science Camp

Nestled amid the picturesque landscapes of California's wilderness, the science camp program stands as a beacon of experiential education, igniting a passion for science within young minds. Lammersville Unified School District offers this residential academic initiative for all 5th grade students.  Science camp goes beyond traditional classroom boundaries, immersing students in the awe-inspiring wonders of the natural world. Through meticulously crafted hands-on experiences in the outdoor classroom, participants embark on a transformative journey that transcends textbooks and lectures. This program is not merely about acquiring knowledge; it is a holistic approach that nurtures individual and group growth. As students engage in a myriad of activities, they cultivate a profound appreciation for nature, bolster their science literacy, embrace stewardship, and undergo character development that extends far beyond the camp's confines. The Lammersville Unified School District's science camp program stands as a testament to the district's commitment to fostering well-rounded individuals with a deep-rooted connection to the world around them.
Lammersville Unified School District sends their schools to one of two science camp facilities:  
At Sky Mountain Outdoor Education Center, we create life changing experiences in the heart of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Here, our classrooms are the forests, the waters edge, and the inside of a snowbank. Via this one of a kind classroom, our passionate naturalists facilitate hands-on, student centered, inquiry based learning as we deliver curriculum aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and the CA Environmental Principles and Concepts and informed by Social Emotional Learning Practices.
Phenomena based learning will change dynamically with the seasons, as we focus our inquiry and investigations on the natural world around us. Lessons and content will be grade level tailored and will focus on ice and snow, the night sky, local flora and fauna, weather and elements, our local river, reservoir and hydroelectric dam and watershed, local fire scars and more. Activities will be tailored to these phenomena again determined by weather and season.
a Mount Hermon's outdoor science camp program located at the Redwood Camp Campus is in the heart of the redwood forest.  In all of our classes, we engage in critical thinking, verbalizing evidence, and experiencing information through our relationship-based Naturalist-centered program. Our curriculum is designed to meet Next Generation Science Standards for 5th and 6th grades. Our outstanding field guide is given to every student and each teacher who participates in our program.  For decades, our Outdoor Science School has reconnected students with the natural world while teaching solid science fundamentals. Our aim is to provide a loving environment where students can be themselves, and grow in the areas of Stewardship, Character, Wonder of Nature, and Science Literacy; all while exploring all that our unique setting has to offer— creek exploration, redwood groves, sand hills, pool play, and adventure activities.
Walker CreekThe Marin County Outdoor School at Walker Creek Ranch is dedicated to helping elementary schools satisfy their educational goals through quality instruction within a special learning environment that inspires and motivates students to achieve an appreciation of the natural world.  Using the principals of thematic instruction, the Outdoor School program enhances a student's critical thinking, processing, and socialization skills.
Exploring new horizons
Exploring New Horizons (ENH) engages school groups in overnight outdoor education programs that strengthen school communities while accelerating environmental and emotional literacy. Founded as a nonprofit in 1979, ENH partners with over 100 schools annually, and in our 43-year history we have served more than 215,000 students. Each year, over 7,000 San Francisco and Monterey Bay Area students participate in 3 to 5-day programs at our Sempervirens and Pigeon Point sites.
ENH takes a whole child approach focused on social emotional learning, environmental literacy, health, and the arts. Naturalists lead trail groups in unplugged, place-based lessons concentrating on adaptations, cycles, diversity, interdependence, and more, creating positive associations between learning and the outdoors while sparking students’ interest in science and environmental stewardship. Students also participate in cooperative team building activities in a positive and inclusive environment that solidify relationships with classroom teachers and peers. Our programs also focus on conservation, as students weigh and graph their food waste at the end of each meal, compost food scraps in the garden, try to take a 3-minute shower, and participate in a mock town hall meeting. Learnings are reinforced through reflective nature journaling, art, participatory group songs, dances, puppet shows, and skits, where groups get on stage and act out a concept they learned during the week. A week away from home and the classroom, having fun learning about nature and working as a team outdoors, improves personal, community, and environmental wellbeing.
Each school attends science camp for several days, and are lead by professional outdoor educators.  5th grade teachers attend camp with the students.  In addition, we partner with Mountain House High School students who volunteer their time during science camp to be cabin leaders.  Science camp costs are paid for through fundraising and direct donations made by parents.  If you have questions about you school's science camp, we encourage you to reach out to your school site administration, or you child's 5th grade teacher.
Dates for science camp 2024-2025 are as follows:
Altamont 12/16/24 - 12/19/24 Exploring New Horizons
Bethany 3/24/25 - 3/28/25 Mount Hermon
Cordes 2/4/25 - 2/7/25 Mount Hermon
Costa 12/9/24 - 12/12/24 Walker Creek Ranch
Hansen 12/16/24 - 12/19/24 Walker Creek Ranch
Lammersville 10/11-10/13 Exploring New Horizons
Questa 4/16/25 - 4/18/25 Sky Mountain
Wicklund 12/9/24 - 12/13/24 Mount Hermon